
History of Olive Oil

2010年12月08日 00:00 发布人: 橄榄油招商网 4932

Olive tree is the symbol of most important virtues and values. Nor any other tree accepted AS HOLY AS, neither has much more legens been created for.

The pigeon holding a olive leaf during Noah''s Deluge era, symbolizes hope and peace. The olive tree represents the immortality aganist the destructive force of the Deluge.

Olive tree was told about the symbol of comfort and affluence on the Old Testament. All known scripture tells olive tree about being the symbol of sacredness, abundance, justice, health, pride, victory, comfort, wisdom, mind, purification and rebirth - the most important virtues of humanity.

Book of Judges tells about a story that, trees tell to the olive tree " Be our king". The legendary founders of Rome, Romus and Romulus born on shadow of an olive tree. Due to Greek Mythology, olive tree is a gift to humanity from the Goddes Athenna, who is the the symbol of peace, abundance and art. Due to ancient Greek people, borning in the shadow of olive tree is represents the most important sign of noble blood. Homeros calls the olive oil as liquid gold.